Along with the manufacturing of standardised sheets, ERICH GRAU GMBH specialises in the manufacturing of customer-specific electric motor sheets and special sheets. We accompany our partners from prototype production through to batch production.
Our claim and goal: "Everything in one place"
We manufacture customer-specific stator and rotor sheets for:
Riveted, welded,
punch-packed, glued and baked sheet packages.
Laser-cut or wire-eroded
special sheets for sample production, prototype building and small batches.
Erich Grau GmbH
Stanzwerk für Elektrobleche
Uhlandstr. 3-7
D-74372 Sersheim
Tel.: 0 70 42 / 83 63 - 0
Drive technology
Stator and rotor technology
Medical technology
Founded in 1952, ERICH GRAU GMBH is today a renowned, internationally active company in the field of stamping technology.
All of our customers' requirements are handled
with great care and attention. This applies for simple items as well as for
technically challenging parts.